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Dave Poske’s Performance Parts Business Update

Dave Poske’s Performance Parts is open, though our showroom remains closed. The new store hours are 9:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m. Monday through Friday. The store will be closed on Saturdays and Sundays.

The showroom will continue to be closed and this includes the upcoming holiday sale dates. Customers have the option to call ahead to have an order ready for pickup or order online and choose pickup or shipping.  Pickup will be in the shipping and receiving area. Poske’s staff will bring orders to your vehicles. To ensure continued safety, masks and distancing are required as per WV mandate and customers will not be permitted to enter the building.

Additionally, any orders placed online or via phone call will be shipped daily as needed. The Poske’s staff does ask everyone to please be patient as the company will be operating with a limited staff during this time.

A few other housekeeping notes include:
- A minimum of five (5) gallons of fuel must be purchased on any fuel order

For a complete line of our available products, please visit and


Thanks so much,
Dave Poske and the Poske Performance Family

(updated 11/16/20)